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LOCUS CLASSES Imparts Coaching Classes only for TECHNICAL EXAM PREPARATION ONLY New Batch is going to start from- 25 MAY 2014 Salient Features – * Experienced Faculty * Perfect Study Material *Individual Attention * Excellent Learning Atmosphere * Focus on Key Areas * Result Oriented Approach * Nominal Fee * Periodic Tests - For Comprehensive Evaluation * Special Techniques for Time Management * Focus on Objective as well as Descriptive Exam (English Paper) * Complete Coverage of General as well as Technical Syllabus * Extra Classes on Saturdays * Excellent Previous Results Approx. our students have already been finally selected for various posts in DMRC. Details with their Roll Numbers, Photos and Addresses are available at our Note:-We don't make bogus claims. Candidates are advised to visit various stations of DMRC, interact with our selected students about quality of education provided by our institute and thereafter join our classes. Please don't waste your time and money if you don't have sufficient time to study at home because "No Coaching Institute" can ensure success without self study. Our students are required to spend 6-7 hours for self study at home besides the 3 hours of class-room teaching at Institute daily. "First deserve then desire" Course Details: * Duration 3-7 Months * Five Days a Week (Monday to Friday) * Three Hours Daily * Test or Extra Classes on Saturdays * Coaching for complete syllabus i.e. Objective + Descriptive * Special Classes for students weak in some specific area LOCUS CLASSES imparts coaching classes for TECNICAL Recruitment Exams Only. 1. SSC- JUNIOR ENGINEER 2. DRDO 3. DELHI METRO –DMRC 4. SAIL 5. BHEL 6. NTPC 7. ONGC 8. POLYTECHNIC ENTRANCE TEST 9. RAILWAY RECRUITMENT 10. CPWD ALL TECHNICAL AND NON TECHNICAL PORTIONS WILL BE COVERED, WITHIN THE GIVEN DURATION. BATCHES ARE- 1. FOUNDATION 2. TARGET 3. WEEKEND(FOR JOB HOLDER CANDIDATES) 4. ONE TO ONE (FOR WEAK STUDENT) Address = f- 1/10, 3rd floor lg showroom, lalita park main road , laxmi nagar metro gate no-5, delhi Contact-9250499484

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