Dr.D's Homoeo clinic is the destination for classical Homoeopathy treatment. The treatment is constitutional that is based upon the individual. Not everyone with a headache gets the same medicine in Homoeopathy. The symptoms of each individual differs & thereby the medicines.
Dr.Dhivya has worked with lot of doctors & has dealt with many different cases. She enquires the patient with utmost care. She explains them what their condition is & how to cure them. Treatment for all the complaints including-DM,HT, Fibroid, PCOD, Obesity & weight gain, Hairfall, Psoriasis & other skin disorder, Sinus & asthma, Galstone & renal stone, piles & fistula, Renal failure, Joint pain, arthritis.
Dr.Dhivya has been very successful with infertility, impotency & gynaecological problems & Hormonal disorders like thyroid etc. She believes that it is not only important to cure but to prevent its future recurrences.
Homoeopathy is the best medicine for children. It is safer, milder & gentle with the babies. It improves their immunity & prevents future illness. It is best for children to get Homoeopathy medicine at their early age.
At Dr.D's Homoeo Clinic a proper Homoeopathy treatment along with the dietary & lifestyle changes to be followed will be advised. We treat the patient as a whole. You would get changes evidently with Homoeopathy treatment at Dr.D's Homoeo Clinic. You could consult Dr.Dhivya for any advice about your health. We will let you know only the facts.